plan2gether Support
Church rotas made simple
Have a look at our Demo organisation rota to see what yours can look like

Demo Organisation
We have set up a demo organisation to show you how plan2gether looks. We have created some sample teams – Band, Security, Creche, Welcoming, Tea and Coffee etc. and some events – Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening, Coffee Mornings, Monthly Tidy up, Flower Display etc.
You can access this demo site at

Public view
Visiting the demo organisation by clicking this button, will let you see the public-facing rota. This is how plan2gether would appear to anyone who visits the site and is not logged in as a user.
All people are shown using their display names only. There is no editing permitted.

User view
To view what a logged-in user would see, click this button. This will take you to the demo organisation site as the logged in user – Ellie Butler. Any editing has been disabled.
You can view people, teams and events. This will help you to see how your organisation can be set up.