Church rotas made simple with plan2gether
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What do the public see?
If a member of the public knows the url of your church in plan2gether they will be able to see the rotas. They will not see any personal details and people on the rota are shown with their Display Name only.
This is very useful for church members who do not want to log in but want to be able to see what’s going on in the church and look ahead to see when they are on the rota.
You can set your rota to be private, requiring either a login or a passcode – see
How do I make a person a user?
Send a Welcome email.
This can be done automatically during an import, or manually on the People page. See
What if I want to add more than 300 people?
Use the contact form on this website to submit your request and we will contact you.
What happens if I take out a subscription after using a free account?
All the data you have put into your organisation will remain when you move to a paid subscription. You can then add more Teams, Events etc.
How do I stop a recurring event generating a rota?
Sometimes, for example during summer holidays, an event which is recurring throughout the rest of the year stops. The best way to stop new rotas being generated for the event is to edit the event and change it to a non-recurring event. Then delete any instances that the event is not running. To re-start the event make it a recurring event again with a new start date etc.
Should I import all my members into plan2gether if I have a free account?
If you have up to 300 people it would probably be a good idea to import everyone into plan2gether. It makes it easier to add new people to teams who previously were not doing things and the data from the free account is automatically available in the subscription account.