Church rotas made simple with plan2gether
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New Event Scheduling Options
Powerful new options have been added to the event section for managing your recurring events – even the complicated ones!
New Feature – printing
Sometimes a printed copy of your rota can be useful. Discover tips to enable useful printing for your teams.
Hidden Features?
Our strap-line for plan2gether is "Church rotas made simple!", however that does not mean plan2gether is lacking in features. We have tried to keep the main features as simple and prominent as possible to make plan2gether easy to use. However, there are many...
CRE South West
We are all set up at CRE South West! We have been to many exhibitions before where we have demonstrated Power Music, but this is our first exhibition for plan2gether - Come visit us at stand D22 and find out how...
Rota privacy
A new feature has been added for extra privacy. Up to now, rotas were visible by default. If someone knows the link to your plan2gether rota they can view it publicly. The reason for this has been for ease of use for your members, so that they don't have to log in or...
New feature – availability
We have added a new feature to plan2gether where you can set dates that you are not available. Add your holiday dates or any dates you are unavailable and plan2gether will not add you to future rotas for these dates. If you have already been assigned to the rota for...
New payment method
New in plan2gether: pay by Direct Debit. Subscriptions can now be paid by either credit/debit card or Direct Debit. Whichever payment method you use, your details are processed securely and never stored by us. Sign up today at
Article in CREonline
CRE (Christian Resources Exhibitions) have published an article on plan2gether The exhibition was unfortunately cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic, but will be at Sandown Park in October 2021. Cambron Software have...
Demo Church
We have created a Demo Church so that you can see how plan2gether can be used. There are two views - the public view and the logged in user view. You can choose how to view the demo church here We have created some sample teams: Band,...
Launch of plan2gether
Plan2gether is launched! The main purpose has been to have an easy rota system for churches. There are many church management systems available, but we felt there was a need for a simple system which just deals with church rotas without the bells and whistles of more...