
In the people screen, email addresses and phone numbers are only visible to administrators.

When a user logs in they can see only their own email address and phone number. All other people’s email addresses and phone numbers are hidden.

In the public view (not a logged in user or administrator) the people screen is not visible.

Rota privacy is dealt with in a separate Help article here.

Access Rights

After adding people you may want to set the access rights of people in your system, although this can be done at any later time.


If the admin has selected (in Organisation Settings) the option of a signup link in the Welcome email, a person becomes a user when they respond to the Welcome email and create a user account.  In the Welcome email there will be a link the person can click to create a password and make themselves a user for the organisation. Their email address will be their username for logging in. You can resend the Welcome email to any person at any time.

In the people screen you see if a person is a user indicated by the “user” badge. This means they have a login to the system.

A person must be a user before they can be made an organisational admin or a team manager.

As a user, a person will be able to login and change when they appear in a rota, for example to do “swaps”.

Organisation Admin

An Organisation admin (just called an admin) has complete control over the plan2gether system for the organisation. It is probably a good idea to have more than one admin in your system – but remember they will have complete control over the rota system!

To be “promoted” to admin they must first be a user.

Team Managers

A Team Manager (just called a manager) has control over the team they manage. Making a person a team manager is done in the teams screen (see Creating Teams).

A person must be a Team Manager before they can edit the team notes in the rota.

Again, to make a person a team manager they must first be a user.


If rota privacy is not set, anyone who knows the URL of the organisation’s plan2gether site can view the current rotas. Notes attached to either an event or a team are also public.

Rota Privacy

Rotas will not be visible if rota privacy is set to either logged in users only or access using a passcode. Unless a person is a user, they will have no editing access.

Rotas use the display name not the person’s real name. You should bear this in mind when creating display names for your people.